DHI Edinburgh

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is a hair transplant technique that involves the use of a specially designed tool called the Choi Implanter Pen. With DHI, individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area and directly implanted into the recipient area without the need for incisions or sutures. This technique offers several advantages over traditional hair transplant methods.

One of the key advantages of DHI is that it allows for a more precise and controlled placement of hair follicles. This means that the transplant results are more natural-looking and can achieve a higher density of hair growth in the recipient area. Additionally, DHI does not leave any visible scars or incisions on the scalp, making it a more attractive option for those who prefer to wear their hair short or shaved.

At our hair transplant clinic in Edinburgh, we specialize in DHI hair transplants and have a team of experienced hair restoration specialists who are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality care. Our clinic is equipped with the latest technology and tools, including the Choi Implanter Pen, to ensure that our clients receive the most advanced and effective hair transplant treatment available.

We understand that each client's needs are unique, which is why we offer personalized consultations and customised treatment plans to ensure that our clients achieve their desired hair restoration goals. With our expertise in DHI hair transplants, our clients can rest assured that they are receiving the best possible care and will achieve natural-looking, long-lasting results.

If you are interested in learning more about DHI hair transplants or would like to schedule a consultation with one of our hair restoration specialists, please contact us today. We look forward to helping you achieve the full, healthy head of hair you deserve.

Why choose DHI?

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is a hair transplant technique that offers several advantages over traditional FUE and FUT methods. One of the main advantages of DHI is the precise control and placement of each hair follicle during the implantation process.

With DHI, a specialised tool called a Choi Implanter Pen is used to implant each hair follicle individually, resulting in a more natural-looking hairline and increased hair density. This method also minimizes the risk of damaging the hair follicles during the implantation process, which can improve the survival rate of transplanted hairs.

In addition, DHI does not require any incisions or stitches, which means a faster recovery time and minimal scarring. The procedure is minimally invasive and can be performed under local anaesthesia, allowing patients to return to their daily activities immediately after the procedure.

At our Edinburgh hair transplants clinic, we have a team of highly skilled and experienced DHI specialists who use the latest technology and techniques to ensure the best possible results for our patients. We take a personalized approach to each patient's treatment plan, ensuring that their unique needs and goals are taken into account.

If you are considering a hair transplant, DHI may be the right choice for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how DHI can help you achieve your desired results.

Planning for a Hair Transplant?

Planning for a hair transplant is an important step towards achieving your desired look. Before undergoing the procedure, it is important to consult with a qualified hair transplant surgeon to discuss your expectations, assess your suitability for the procedure, and create a personalised treatment plan. Our surgeons will evaluate your hair loss pattern, hair density, and donor area to determine the number of hair grafts needed and the best technique for your individual needs. Additionally, we will provide you with pre-operative instructions, such as avoiding blood-thinning medication and smoking, and post-operative care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. It is important to follow these instructions carefully to optimise the success of the hair transplant procedure. With careful planning and the guidance of our skilled hair transplant surgeons, you can achieve natural-looking and long-lasting results from your hair transplant procedure.

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Our range of Hair Loss Treatments

Patient Care Is Our Leading Priority

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require a large incision or stitches, resulting in minimal scarring and a faster recovery time.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

FUT can be an effective hair restoration option for patients with larger areas of baldness or those who require a higher number of grafts.

Non Surgical Hair Loss Treatment

Non-surgical hair restoration treatment makes use of the patient's own blood to promote hair growth.

Eyebrow Hair Transplants

Eyebrow hair transplants are a specialised hair restoration procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles from the scalp to the eyebrows.

Beard Hair Transplants

Beard hair transplants are a specialized hair restoration procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles from the scalp or other areas of the body to the beard area.

Female Hair Transplants

Female hair transplants are a specialized hair restoration procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles to the areas of thinning or balding hair in women.




DHI and FUE are both hair transplant methods that aim to restore hair growth in areas affected by hair loss. However, there are some key differences between the two techniques.

DHI, which stands for Direct Hair Implantation, is a hair transplant method that involves using a special tool called a Choi Implanter Pen to directly implant individual hair follicles into the recipient area. This technique enables the surgeon to control the direction, angle, and depth of the implanted hair follicles, resulting in a more natural-looking hairline and better density.

On the other hand, FUE, or Follicular Unit Extraction, involves removing individual hair follicles from the donor area, typically from the back of the head, using a small circular punch. These follicles are then transplanted into the recipient area, creating new hair growth. Both DHI and FUE have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between the two depends on a patient's specific needs and goals. For example, DHI may be a better choice for patients who want a more natural-looking hairline, while FUE may be more suitable for patients with larger areas of hair loss.

Ultimately, the best way to determine which hair transplant method is right for you is to schedule a consultation with a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon who can evaluate your specific case and recommend the most appropriate treatment option.

How much does DHI treatment cost?

At our Edinburgh hair transplant clinic, the cost of a DHI hair transplant procedure can vary depending on a number of factors, including the extent of hair loss and the number of grafts required. On average you can expect to pay in the region of £5,000 for a DHI hair transplant at our Edinburgh clinic. It is important to remember that the cost can vary for each individual, and we recommend scheduling a consultation with one of our experienced surgeons to determine the exact cost of your DHI procedure based on your unique needs and goals.

What results to expect from DHI?

It generally takes around 3 to 4 months to start seeing new hair growth after a DHI hair transplant procedure. However, it can take up to a year to see the full results of the transplant, as the transplanted hair gradually thickens and matures over time. The rate of hair growth may also vary depending on the individual's natural hair growth cycle and overall health.

Several factors can affect the rate of hair growth after a DHI hair transplant. These include:

  • Patient’s Age: Younger patients generally have faster hair growth rates than older patients.
  • Patient’s Health: The overall health of the patient can affect hair growth. Patients who are in good health are likely to see faster hair growth than those who are not.
  • Hair Characteristics: The texture, color, and thickness of the patient’s hair can affect the rate of hair growth. Curly or coarse hair may take longer to grow than straight hair.
  • Genetics: Genetics can play a role in hair growth rate. Patients with a family history of slow hair growth may also experience slower hair growth after a DHI hair transplant.
  • Aftercare: Proper aftercare can promote hair growth. Patients who follow their surgeon’s post-operative instructions and take care of their hair transplant are more likely to see faster and better results.

It is important to note that hair growth after a DHI hair transplant is a gradual process, and it may take up to 12-18 months to see full results.

Why choose us for your DHI hair transplant?

As a leading hair transplant clinic in Edinburgh, we are dedicated to providing top-quality DHI hair transplants with a focus on personalized care and attention to detail. Here are some reasons why you should choose us for your DHI hair transplant:

  • Experienced and skilled team: Our team of surgeons and technicians are highly trained and experienced in DHI hair transplant techniques. They have performed numerous successful procedures, and are committed to providing excellent results.
  • State-of-the-art facilities: We use the latest equipment and technology in our clinic to ensure that our patients receive the best possible care. Our facilities are designed to provide a comfortable and safe environment for our patients.
  • Personalised approach: We understand that every patient is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet your individual needs. Our team takes the time to understand your goals and concerns, and develops a treatment plan that is customized for you.
  • Transparent pricing: We believe in transparency when it comes to pricing, and we provide clear and upfront costs for our services. We also offer financing options to make our services more accessible to everyone.
  • Comprehensive aftercare: We provide comprehensive aftercare services to ensure that you have a smooth and comfortable recovery. Our team is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have, and we provide detailed instructions on how to care for your newly transplanted hair.

At Harley Street hair transplant Edinburgh, we are committed to providing exceptional DHI hair transplant services that meet the highest standards of quality and care, contact us today for a free consultation.

Popular Questions

Got a question for our Edinburgh hair transplant team? We’re here to help.

  • Does DHI hurt?

    DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is a minimally invasive hair transplant procedure that typically involves minimal pain or discomfort. During the procedure, local anesthesia is used to numb the donor and recipient areas, ensuring that the patient does not feel any significant pain during the procedure. Patients may experience some mild discomfort or soreness in the donor and recipient areas for a few days following the procedure, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. Overall, DHI is a safe and relatively painless hair transplant procedure.

  • Can women have DHI?

    Yes, women can have DHI hair transplants. However, as with any hair transplant procedure, it is important to have a thorough consultation with a qualified and experienced hair transplant specialist to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure and to discuss any potential risks or complications. Women may require a different approach to hairline design and pattern of hair growth, and the specialist will be able to advise on the most appropriate technique and approach.

  • Does DHI scar?

    DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is a hair transplant method that does not leave a linear scar, unlike the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) method. With DHI, hair follicles are directly implanted into the recipient area without the need for incisions or stitches. The donor area may have tiny dot scars where the follicles are extracted using a micro-punch tool, but they are almost invisible and will fade over time. Overall, DHI does not create a noticeable scar and is considered a scar-free hair transplant method.

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